Innovation Mobile Lab

Our partner in the community, Novozymes is passionate about inspiring the next generation of scientists and leaders!  We are excited to share news of our most recent collaboration to invest in the future of our community. Today we are unveiling the Innovation Mobile Lab.  This initiative provides the United Way and Novozymes a great opportunity to lead efforts in STEM education and provide accessible learning experiences and exposure for children in Franklin and across North Carolina.

Bringing Classrooms to the Community!

The Lab will be a driving force that educates and inspires students, teachers, and our communities through STEM.  Our Innovation Coordinator, will assist in evaluating and coaching business and community leaders about volunteer opportunities to provide a bridge from experiments and learning, to career development and future possibilities. We will build education programs and create programs and pathways aimed at workforce preparedness.  We will give middle and high school students the opportunity to participate in a Lab to maximize impact and develop practical skills. Students will conduct rigorous, age-appropriate experiments designed to reinforce state and federal core curriculum standards.  We will offer the opportunity to perform challenging and age-appropriate experiments using scientific method to solve problems.  This will create excitement in students as they work in an authentic laboratory environment and are provided with a clear vision of a great career opportunity. 

Check out our equipment!



This will lead to the next phase of an autonomous Triangle North Innovation Center to be built in Triangle/North counties making it accessible to many underserved rural communities.  This allows us to align a student’s career pathway with postsecondary STEM programs.  This will be an opportunity to make an impact in North Carolina and set precedence in STEM for years to come. 

It is an opportunity for our community to be role models and provide students with role models in STEM fields willing to answer questions about their education and careers.   The goal will be to present new career alternatives and make earning potential clear, so students continue on the path to higher education and careers in STEM.


Childhood is a critical period of growth and development and a child’s experiences, behaviors, and health problems can have long-term impacts. Considering risk factors such as poverty, lack of public transportation, food insecurity, incidences of child abuse and neglect that are social determinants of health and education across rural America, this is an opportunity to provide a way out.   The benefits for a child are endless.  The benefits for the schools are endless, and we as community leaders will succeed if we continue to persevere. 

There will be numerous publications, events and press surrounding these programs so we can celebrate and recognize the importance of partnerships to drive transformational change and have a significant impact on society and believe we have an opportunity to shine and continue to move our children, our community and our lives forward.